Hoffman Specialty

Hoffman Specialty, a unit of ITT Industries (Xylem), offers a wide range of products for steam and hydronic systems. From steam traps to valves, from boiler feed units to temperature regulators and vacuum breakers, whether residential or commercial, Hoffman Specialty can fill the requirement. Hoffman Specialty was founded in 1913 by George D. Hoffman with the introduction of the Hoffman No. 1 Automatic Siphon Air Vent Valve for steam radiators, and was acquired by ITT Industries in 1970.
Showing 1–6 of 18 results
401497 Hoffman Model 77 Water Vent Valve
401503 Hoffman Vent
401536 Hoffman 17C – 1/2″ Angle Bronze Thermostatic Radiator Trap
401545 Hoffman 17C-SV-2-25 Swivel Thermostatic Steam Trap 1/2″
404200 Hoffman Steam Trap FT015H-3 3/4″ Float & Thermostatic Trap
DP0302 Hoffman Mechanical Seal Kit 5/8″